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School Dinners and Breakfast Club

Allergen Guidance for food in schools


Our Menus

Christmas Menu 2024

Autumn_Winter Menu 2024_2025

Autumn Menu 2024



Free School Meals_Pupil Premium

School Dinner Information.

All children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 are entitled to a free school dinner every day through Universal Free School Meals Funding.

For children in Years 3 to 6, the cost of the lunch is £2.50 per day, payable in advance via Parentmail.  We operate a cashless system for school dinners and therefore, no cash will be accepted by the school office.  You can get Free School Meals for your child if you or your partner gets either:

  • Income Support.
  • Income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance
  • Income-related Employment and Support Allowance
  • Support under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
  • The Guarantee element of State Pension Credit
  • Child Tax Credit, provided they are not entitled to Working Tax Credit and have an annual income of £16,190 or less, as assessed by Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs

Where a parent is entitled to Working Tax Credit during the four-week period immediately after their employment ceases, or after they start to work less than 16 hours per week, their children are entitled to free school lunches. Children who receive a qualifying benefit in their own right are also eligible to receive Free School Meals.

If you think your child/ren are entitled to pupil premium and free school meals, please  complete the form below and return to the school office for us to check whether your child/ren are eligible.  Please also provide proof of benefits (a valid letter from the Department of Work and Pensions).

If your child is in Reception or Years 1 or 2 and you are in receipt of any of the above, you can also use this application to secure additional school funding for your child.

School Food Standards

Our school menus need to be balanced to meet the Government standards for school food, (please see link below).  There are restrictions placed within the standards as to what can and cannot be served, and these include the number of times per week certain foods can be offered.  Our menus offer a good quality cooked meal with ingredients sourced locally where possible and contain a range of dishes that will assist with developing your child’s eating habits/choices.  Many children when sat with their peers are often more willing to try new foods so please help us to help you by talking positively about new foods when your child comes home from school and praise them for trying new things.


Breakfast and Willows Club



The Clubs are run by Winter Gardens Academy and exist to provide high quality out-of-school hours childcare for our parents/carers. It provides a range of stimulating and creative activities in a safe environment.


The clubs operates from 7:30am – 8:25am and from 3:15pm – 6:00pm during term-time only, and current costs for each session can be obtained from the School Office or club staff. A copy of this policy is provided to all parents/carers of children attending the Clubs and is also available on the school website.


All parents/carers must complete a registration form for each child attending the club and sign an agreement to adhere to the terms of this policy.




  • Only children attending Winter Gardens Academy are eligible to attend these clubs.
  • All places are subject to
  • The registration process must be completed prior to the child’s commencement at the
  • All parents/carers will receive a paper copy of this policy and this policy is available to view via our school
  • All club staff are made aware of the details of a new
  • Children’s attendance is recorded in a
  • Willows to be booked in advance as spaces are limited using ParentMail.

    Arrival and Departure


Breakfast Club


  • Parents/Carers are required to bring their child directly to club and sign them in. You should enter the club via the side door of Lake View Hall.
  • Children will be escorted to class at 8:25am by the club


After School Club

Collection of KS1 Children

.Years foundation, year 1 and 2 children will be collected by a member of the staff and taken over to the club.

 Collection of KS2 Children

. Years 3, 4, 5 and 6 children will be collected by a member of the staff and taken over to the club.

The club staff will take a register of all contracted children and will liaise with the class teacher/school office to determine any reason why a child is not accounted for.



  • When a child is collected at the end of or during a session, they must be signed out by a member of staff and the time recorded.
  • The parent/carer or named collector must inform a member of staff that they are collecting and signing out a
  • Parents/carers must ensure that any person who may collect their child is listed on the registration form and that it is kept fully up to
  • Parents/carers must inform the office if their child is going to be absent from

Daily Routine

 Morning session


  • 7:30am – 8:25am parents/carers bring their children to the Breakfast Club situated in Lake View Hall where a range of activities are set
  • Children are offered breakfast (a choice of their own)
  • 8:25am children collect their coats and bags. Both KS1 and KS2 children are escorted to their appropriate classroom or building where they meet up with the rest of the children awaiting the start of school.

Afternoon session


  • 3:15pm – 3:20pm children go to club after being collected by a member of staff and escorted to Lake View Hall.
  • 3:45pm – 4:00 children will be offered a snack, staff members will sit with the children at this time. Children can then choose from a range of play and planned activities.
  • 6:00pm – All children are collected by the parent/carer or named person.

Breakfast and Willows Club Agreement